Privacy Policy - My Cheerful place

It is the policy of My Cheerful Place to uphold your privacy concerning any information that may be collected on any page of this website:, ​,, or

On the aforementioned pages, you may discover links to forms hosted on the Google Forms platform. My Cheerful Place exercises no control over the content and practices of this ​website and cannot assume responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies. When you submit information via a form, cookies may be utilized to retain your details for future ​correspondence.

The Academia da Organizadora is one of the services offered by My Cheerful Place. The Academia da Organizadora website ( or ​ may include links to external sites such as, which are not managed by My Cheerful Place. It is essential to recognize that ​My Cheerful Place has no authority over the content and practices of these sites and cannot assume responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

Personal information will be requested only when absolutely necessary, collecting solely the information required for budgeting purposes upon request, as well as for the planning and ​preparation involved in delivering the service. All information gathered is done with your knowledge and consent, ensuring you are informed about the reasons for data collection and its ​intended use.

My Cheerful Place retains information solely for the duration necessary to deliver the requested service. All data is stored securely, safeguarding against loss and theft, as well as ​unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, use, or alteration.

My Cheerful Place does not disclose any personally identifiable information publicly or to third parties, except as mandated by law.

You have the right to decline our request for your personal information, acknowledging that My Cheerful Place may be unable to offer certain services you seek due to the nature of the ​services provided.

Your ongoing use of the My Cheerful Place website will be regarded as acceptance of our privacy practices and the handling of personal information. Should you have any questions or ​concerns regarding how My Cheerful Place manages your data and personal information, please reach out to us at

Cookie Policy - My Cheerful Place

What are cookies?

As is customary with nearly all professional websites, this site employs cookies—small files downloaded to your computer—to enhance your experience. This page outlines the information ​they collect, how My Cheerful Place utilizes it, and the reasons we occasionally need to store these cookies. Additionally, we will clarify how you can prevent these cookies from being ​stored. However, it is crucial to understand that doing so may hinder the proper functioning of certain elements of the site.

How are cookies utilized?

My Cheerful Place employs cookies for various purposes outlined below. Regrettably, in most instances, there are no industry-standard options for disabling cookies without entirely ​compromising the functionality and features they contribute to this site. It is advisable to keep all cookies enabled if you are uncertain about their necessity.

Disable cookies.

You can prevent the placement of cookies by modifying the settings in your browser (refer to your browser's Help section for guidance). Please be aware that disabling cookies will impact ​the functionality of this and numerous other websites you visit. Disabling cookies typically leads to the deactivation of specific functionalities and features of this site. Consequently, it is ​advisable not to disable cookies.

Cookies associated with account creation or login on Podia (for students of Academia da Organizadora)

Students of the Organizer Academy will have access to an external platform known as Podia, which is not managed by My Cheerful Place. It is essential to understand that My Cheerful ​Place has no authority over the content and practices of these sites and cannot assume responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

Email newsletter-associated cookies

This site provides newsletter or email subscription services, and cookies may be utilized to remember your registration status and determine whether to display specific notifications that ​may only be relevant to subscribed or unsubscribed users.

Cookies related to order processing

This site provides e-commerce and payment services via the Stripe platform. Certain cookies are necessary to ensure that your order is retained across pages, allowing us to process it ​effectively. My Cheerful Place has no authority over the content and practices of Stripe and cannot assume responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

Form-associated cookies

On the aforementioned pages, you may discover links to forms hosted on the Google Forms platform. My Cheerful Place exercises no control over the content and practices of this ​website and cannot assume responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies. When you submit information via a form, cookies may be utilized to retain your details for future ​correspondence.

Site preference cookies

To ensure an optimal experience on this site, we offer the ability to customize your preferences regarding its operation during your usage. To retain your preferences, we must utilize ​cookies, enabling this information to be accessed whenever you engage with a page influenced by your selections.

Third-Party Cookies

In certain exceptional circumstances, we also utilize cookies from reputable third parties. The subsequent section outlines the third-party cookies you may encounter on this site.

This site employs Google Analytics, a widely recognized and reliable analytics solution that assists us in understanding your usage of the site and identifying opportunities to enhance your ​experience. These cookies may monitor aspects such as the duration of your visit and the pages you access, enabling us to consistently create engaging content. For further details ​regarding Google Analytics cookies, please refer to the official Google Analytics page.

Occasionally, we test new features and implement minor adjustments to the site's delivery. During the testing phase of these features, cookies may be utilized to guarantee a consistent ​experience while navigating the site, as well as to help us identify the optimizations that our users value most.

As we sell products, it is essential for us to comprehend statistics regarding the proportion of visitors to our site who ultimately make a purchase; consequently, this is the type of data that ​these cookies gather.

We utilize advertisements to mitigate the expenses associated with operating this site and to secure funding for future development. The behavioral advertising cookies employed by this ​site are intended to ensure that we deliver the most pertinent advertisements by anonymously tracking your interests and presenting related content that may capture your attention.

Additional information

I trust that this has clarified the matter for you. As previously stated, if you are uncertain about the necessity of cookies, it is generally advisable to keep them enabled, as they may interact ​with certain features on our site that you utilize.

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All rights reserved Terms and Conditions – Privacy Policy

+47 413 777 21